The looming excitement that might be TW warhammer II

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by The Sauric Ace, Mar 9, 2017.

  1. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    So yeah, this again. I don't know if everyone's aware, but there's this game that came out early last year by Creative Assembly, Total War: Warhammer ;) in which we get to turn base our armies around the Old World of warhammer fantasy. Which of course is great and all, the game is actually pretty good, Total War is by my experience a pretty decent series by now. They have there great classic Rome, Medieval II and they are pretty active making new games, be it a second title or entire new settings. The way they usually did this was by picking a historical time period to build the game about: Shogun was feudal Japan, Medieval was feudal Europe, Rome was Classic Era, Empire was during the Enlightenment. Well I guess it's pretty obvious that Warhammer is different in this regard, which is really interesting, since neither did they have to start from scratch nor did they have to fulfill every detail and could do a bit of their own designing (Now I'm not saying they didn't do their research on this game, believe me their good at this :) ). Thus warhammer become a little bit more of an adventure when you start the game for the first time, if you're not totally aware of the Warhammer world this can however be slightly confusing.

    Now that's all I care for explanation of the game,I just thought I wanted to express my views on the game now that I have finally gotten around playing it for more than just half an hour, in an introductory dwarven campaign. With the release (Free!) of Britonia I thought it might be fun trying them out, knights are fun and all. So I did and that's really where the current interest comes from.

    The current updates from CA (Creative Assembly) is that they have a team working on the new game and it want be ages till it comes out, Fans are guessing somewhere between this fall or the next. This means half a year up till one and a half, which is reasonable, since the next games will work more as an expansion that can stand alone, then an entirely new game. You can by the second or third one and play them, or you can get all three and play a massive campaign spanning the entire Warhammer world!

    Knowing this, when are we getting our Lizards? I here you screaming out aloud t you screens, as you annoying as been reading through my nonsense.

    Well the odds are in our favor, most speculations does predict that the next game will involve the new world. High Elves are the last of the more generic fantasy races not to be introduced, which would make them the main star to bring in, The High Elves would naturally bring in the Darkies as well. With the Dark elves being placed in north New World, it only makes since to also make the south available.
    And there you have it, most fans believe, based on simple assumption, but also vague quotes from the developers that Lizards and Lustria will be a part of the next map.

    I thing we are pretty safe in assuming that lizards will be part of the upcoming game, we could be unfortunate, but looking around the internet it seems like even the developers are keen on bringing less traditional fantasy factions into the game (Lizards, Skaven and perhaps Tombs??? (Dead mummy guys doesn't sound that out of the boxo_O)).

    So what do you think, sorry for the long introduction, but to quote Bart Simpson "I haven't said anything for a while!"
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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Tomb Kings would make for a great addition as well.
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  3. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Yeah they would, reckon they could be thr faction the developer reference as well. The consensus in general is, however that when they said that we would see some more unique factions to the warhammer world,they meant skaven and or us (we're the lizard FYI :p)
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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Didn't they say that eventually they would work through all the armies? (maybe this is only an unfounded rumour... I haven't been following it closely enough).

    I'd be curious to see what they do with the Slann? How powerful will they be?
    Bowser likes this.
  5. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Yeah they did, but the third game might be far in to the future still :)
    I assume Slann will be fun! As in magic in the game is already pretty neat, it doesn't overule good tactics, yet it's useful. :D
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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Does the game currently feature named special characters? Any chance that we might see Lord Kroak?
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  7. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Yes, they have quite a bundle of named characters from the varies factions. I believe lord Kraok could be a DLC to the Second game at some point, as could Prophet of Sotek Tehehauin :) Since we'll probable see Mazdamuni and Kroq-Gar as the main faction leaders ;)
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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    All of those are pretty cool, but I'd be most excited about Kroak. Nakai would be awesome... but that will never happen since he is much more of a fluff-based character (only had special unofficial rules ever released).
    Bowser likes this.
  9. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    I believe Modders are your rescue here, mate ;) they'll for sure make all kind of obscure characters, provided the game has enough staying power
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  10. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    I just finished the wood elf campaign, which was actually a lot of fun. As I mentioned previously the Brittanian campaign was my first longer duration of play with the game. I did initially start out by playing the dwarves, but that campaign was less engaging then I expected so I let go of the game, such that I could do other stuff.

    Wood elves are as stated a fun faction to play as, they are different, from usual faction in that they have two resources, Unfamiliar with the game, and or franchise, standard resources is simply known as income, the other being amber. Amber is basically gained through holding land for yourself or by having allies with loads of land.
    A thing I found quite fun was the concept of outposts and the forest of the wood elves own. Wood elves can only get cities and unique building inside their own domain, but the can capture all kind of land, which means that you can not simply create a army stacking settlement in the middle of nowhere. However, the outposts are pretty descend on their own. They grant a fine bit of public order, some income and as mentioned 1 or two amber for the collection. One additionally building may be constructed with small extra features, such as -30% for all unit recruited or +2% overall income to your faction.

    One thing for the wood elves tech tree I found particularly useful was a tech that stopped all attrition loss for my armies, which in turn meant I could skip about in the chaos and Norse lands, just conquering and securing new settlement with ease. Really that was how I got two commanders so high level and with so great warriors that I could beat Archeon and the Ever Watcher in an equal battle! :woot:

    If Lizardmen would play anything like wood elves does I would be happy. Perhaps with a very low recruitment slot in general but then with an reoccurring event that would allow for multiple slots faction wide, for a few turns. Simulating the spawning pools of the lizard faction :D
    Bowser likes this.
  11. Charistoph

    Charistoph New Member

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    After selecting a Faction, you select the Lord you are leading it with. With a few exceptions, they are all the Unique Lords we have see on the tabletop. This is your first army leader, and you can unlock the others later on in the campaign. Before then, you get generic Lords to lead your armies like a Slann Mage-Priests and Saurus Oldbloods. You can also hire Heros like Skink Priests and Scar-Veterans to either act as powerful units in fights or as agents to attack fortifications, conduct assassinations, destabilize or stabilize and area.

    Off hand, my first guess for Lizardmen Lords would be a choice between Mazdamundi, Kroq-Gar, and Tehenhauin, with Kroak being a DLC option. Mazdamundi and Kroq-Gar were noted as capturing parts of Albion, which is a good place for the Lizardmen to start interacting with the Old World. Of course, that's assuming they don't include the Elven Isles, Southlands, and Lustria in the new campaign maps, and that they go by the same army building scheme as TW:WH.
  12. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    I reckon we can assume they'll stick to the same approach as the first game when the second and third edition comes out. My guess would as mentioned be Mazda and Kroq, I would deem Tehenhauin too different from the normal Lord-who-fights or Lord-who-magics formula, s.t. Lizards would get two Legendary Lords to pick from and hopefully Kroak and Tehenhauin as a DLC. Maybe one of them even a Free one! :p We can always hope :rolleyes:
    Bowser and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  13. Charistoph

    Charistoph New Member

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    It's very possible that it is Mazda and Kroq to start off with, and then bring in Kroak and Tehenhauin as part of a Lustria DLC.

    But Dwarf Lords are all Fighters who provide some leadership buffs. Where their differences come in to play is the changes they make in recruiting certain units. Tehenhuain would be giving some good bonuses to Swarms and Skink units, or allowing them to run through certain terrain far easier.
    Bowser and The Sauric Ace like this.
  14. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Tehehauin would be a very intersting lord to have as a choice, I like your ideas. He could be the counterpart to the very saurus focused army of Kroq :)
    Bowser likes this.
  15. Charistoph

    Charistoph New Member

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    Indeed. For example, with the Dwarfs, Grudgebearer allows for cheaper Warrior and Hammerer units, while Ironfist allows for cheaper Slayers, while the White Dwarf has an nation-wide buff based on Dwarf Gods. This is just one of their different campaign abilities, so it wouldn't be hard to make such a difference between starting out with Kroq-Gar and Tehenhuain. And that doesn't even include the 3 units each Legendary Lord usually starts with (usually a high tier unit like Irondrakes or a Gyrocopter).

    Of course, then there is the questions of, which city types you can capture, as opposed to just Raiding and Razing, what level of upgrades you need to unlock certain units, etc. Heck, Bretonnians cannot even get Knights of the Realm until their 3rd Stable Tier. The first tier unlocks Peasant Horsemen, while the second unlocks the Errants.
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  16. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    I would imagine that Lizards could only capture previously and current temple cities. Maybe not just located in Lustria, but obviously most of them would be. I reckon an outposts concept as with woodelves could work, as well as being fun :) however it would very likely be deem too similar to the woodelves; also we can assume that Lustria is a fair bit more of the map then the Deep wood, as such lizards already has got quite a bit of territory to conquer.
    I'll imagine that Kroq would start with a descend amount of Cold-One cavs and perhaps some saurus warriors, well Tehehauin may have sallies and terradons or some other elite(-ish) skink troops.
    Bowser likes this.
  17. Charistoph

    Charistoph New Member

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    Possibly. I haven't run the Wood Elf campaign myself, yet. I only just got the game through Humble Bundle and got the Beastmen and Wood Elf DLC since they added the most bang aside from Chaos.

    For the original campaigns, they were all divided in to pair, Empire and Vampires could capture each other, Dwarfs and Greenskins could capture each other, etc. Chaos just wanted to watch the world burn.

    This may change. There is already a mod for everyone to capture anyone's cities (except for Wood Elves), and depending on how popular that is, that may end up being the standard in a second game.

    And the needs and availability are dependent on the overall campaign map size. If we see the New World, Old World, Southlands, and Ulthuan (can't remember the name), then yes, they wouldn't need to have outposts and such. However, if they keep it limited to the Old World and the Badlands, Albion would be their starting place and that isn't much bigger than Athel Loren. Of course, they could just start from the Southlands, too, and ignore the western continents.


    Tehenhuain will probably have a unit of Kroxigors, Ripperdactyls, and Chameleons each to start, but may have the Swarms replacing the Kroxigors, depending on the Swarms place.
    Mazdamundi will probably have a unit of Temple Guard, Bastiladon or Stegadon, and maybe Terradons.
    Kroq-Gar would undoubtedly have Cold-One Cavalry, maybe two, along with a Saurus Warrior unit, but we may see Kroxigors if they don't show up with Tehenhuain.
    The Sauric Ace and Bowser like this.
  18. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Hopefully they'll do the New World, as in Lustria, and not just Southlands :) but as mentioned, it was pretty fun to be capable of capturing all kind of settlement, despite only getting an outpost; so I wouldn't mind if one could capture every settlement with the lizards.
    Bowser likes this.
  19. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Don't know if this is an actually leak or people are just being silly and teasing us stuff that's only in their head, but it sounds good to me :D

    EDIT: I'm fairly certain this is just some block trying to tease us... -.-
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
    Bowser likes this.
  20. Captaniser

    Captaniser Well-Known Member

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    Considering that it comes from the same website that votes Kim Jong Un for person of the year... Every year. I think it's safe to asume it's just a troll post.
    Bowser and The Sauric Ace like this.

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