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Announcement A message from your new overlord

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Pinktaco, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    So someone was finally mad enough to give me infinity powerrrrrr.. Or not, but I'm a moderator now, thanks to @The Red Devil :D

    So I figured I'd like to properly introduce myself and say a few words.

    My name is Steffen and it have nothing to do with tacos, in fact I'm more of a nachos person. I'm 26 years old and from Denmark, you know that weird stick above Germany and next to Sweden and Norway. I graduated as a physiotherapist this summer and is currently unemployed. I actually wrote my thesis with my girlfriend who also graduated, but as an occupational therapist. We've been together for 8 and a half eternities.. Or years :D

    I've been part of this forum for 3 years or so. Back then I was all new to the army, somewhat annoying and asked a ton of question in all the wrong places. One thing that immediately struck me was that despite my lack of intelligence people were always very friendly and helpful. In fact this is the most friendly forum I've ever been to any I'm grateful to be part of the community.

    However as a community we also have a duty. There's no denying that we're somewhat split and I find that unfortunate. We're all here because we have a fetish for expensive scaly dolls and I think it's far more important that we greet people with open arms, regardless of what system they enjoy. Even AoS players. . With that said I'd also like you to keep an open mind about another forum. More specifically I'm talking about the ninth age. We as a dedicated forum can offer a lot for any players of our army, but they can't enjoy this forum if they don't know about it. I'd like you all to consider joining up on the other forum, not because I want you away from here, but because I think we need to attract more players to this community as well. I want to show others that this forum is unique, which it is. We have a lot of good things going for this forum.

    By joining up on the other forum you can easily leave a link for this forum in your signature, so that every time you post something you show people that this forum is alive and kicking. It's an easy way to become an ambassador and the face of this forum to others. I'm saying this because several of the dedicated army forums have grown rather silent lately and to my understanding Scalenex have talked about a lower activity here than previously. I want this community to thrive for as long as possible and even small gestures matters. I've already set up a sticky thread concerning this forum on the other forum and I'd love for as many of you to like it as possible and make it more notable.

    If there are any other system (Aos, Furion etc) with dedicated forums you are more than welcome to attract those players as well.

    Lastly, as many of you already know I'm the Army Support of T9A. My job is to collect feedback from you guys and bring it to the army book committee. If you got any questions l'm more than willing to answer them or try the best I can. We are, BTW, currently looking for a second Army Support, so hopefully there'll soon be one more to annoy you with even more T9A information and discussions :D
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome buddy!

    We'll send you your congratulatory basket of edible grubs shortly! We can welcome you more formally after our temporary forum shut down enables our next set of software upgrades. It's not going to be as big of a change as our major revamp months ago, but we predict our little upgrade will be well-received.
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Well done Steffen, as you asked so nicely I will join the other forum. ;)
    Gareth 42 and Pinktaco like this.
  4. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    Great to have you on-board!
    Ken, Gareth 42 and Pinktaco like this.
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Yeah, I saw that :D
    Gareth 42 likes this.
  6. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I love grubs O:

    I'm looking forward to the forum update. :cool:
    Gareth 42 likes this.
  7. Tlaxbitza

    Tlaxbitza Member

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    Congrads! :) I think your doing an excellent job, thus far! Keep up the great work, here and over at T9A!
    Pinktaco likes this.
  8. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    You are doing a great job, and i feel like you have a great point. This is one of the few spots on the internet where people to talk to each other with respect and out of an enjoyment of the hobby. Saying that, because of the actions of GW it is easy to grow a certain resentment towards AoS players, as they are a part of the community that keep the (in my humble opinion) terrible system of AoS in place. It is important that we do not make those feelings personal, GW fucked up (for me at least) and if people want to enjoy that system they should, there is no reason to act any differently to each other online.
    HeirofCarnage and The Red Devil like this.

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